Website sponsored in Memory of Debbie Minich
1. On your custom-made BEST BALL scorecards (to be received the morning of)
a. We are playing the MAROON tees -- NOT the forward tees
b. Keep your scores as usual by your names
c. Record your Best Ball gross (BB GROSS) and Best Ball net
(BB NET) scores where indicated
d. Total and sign your card
2. Best Ball GROSS -- Take the better score between you and your partner
and write it on the BB GROSS line for that hole (see sample card below)
3. Best Ball NET
a. You will see small numbers in each of the 18 spaces
b. This is the handicap you have for each hole.
c. Subtract this number from your gross score to get your net score
for that particular hole.
d. Compare your score with your partner and write the lower of the
two scores on the card for that hole (see sample card below)
4. If you are playing with a Blind Draw (virtual partner)
a. Keep only your score on the score card
b. Fill in the BB GROSS and BB NET sections as indicated above
c. Sign the card and submit it.
d. The Blind Draw scores will be figured in with yours
ONLY the specified scores are to be written on the official card
All other markings (putts, tallies, dots, etc.) must be on other course cards